Thursday, 3 January 2013


Wool coat - £5 charity shop
Burgundy baggy tshirt - £5 internacionale
Belt - £1 primark 
Blue jeans - £11 primark
Heeled boots - £20 primark
Tartan scarf - £1 charity shop
Leather bag - £30 h&m

I've finally done an outfit post! Even though my brother took the photos so they're not as great as I'd hoped.

This a quick outfit I put together before doing a bit of shopping in town. The coat I bought last week which was reduced from £10 - such a bargain! It's so warm and lovely and I've ordered a burgundy fur collar which I'll sew onto when it arrives. The boots I've had a couple of months but haven't worn them much but they make an outfit more sophisticated I think so I'll definitely be wearing them more when I'm back at sixth form. And the bag, oh god I love it! It's the first proper handbag I've ever owned really because I've always had about 3 bags which I swop around depending on my outfit, but this is definitely going to be my everyday bag from now on.